Tuesday, March 19, 2019

A Poetry Explication :: Shakespeare Sonnet Poem Essays

A Poetry ExplicationPoetry is the revelation of a feeling that the poet retrieves to be interior and personal but which the reader recognizes as his own. (Salvatore Quasimodo). There is something about the human race spirit that causes us to rejoice in shared experience. We can relate on a deep level with our fellow man when we believe that somehow someone else understands us as they relate their own joys and hardships and perchance nowhere better is this relationship expressed than in that of the poet and his reader. For the current naming I had the privilege (and challenge) of writing an imitation of William Shakespeares sonnet 87. This poem touched a place in my heart because I have actually given this sonnet to someone before as it then communicated my thoughts and feelings far better than I could. For this reason, Sonnet 87 was an flourishing choice for this project, although not quite so easy an undertaking as I endeavored to match Shakespeares structure and bring out his themes by similar word choice.As far as structure goes, Shakespeares sonnet and my own are very similar. My 14-line sonnet is written in Iambic Pentameter and follows the abab-cdcd-efef-gg rhyme scheme within three quatrains and a pas de deux, as does that of Shakespeare. For this reason, my poem follows a meter very close to Sonnet 87. This is in like manner due to the fact that both sonnets contain 10 syllables per line, as salubrious as an eleventh in most lines that derives from weak, or feminine verb endings much(prenominal) as keeping in the first line of my poem, and possessing in that of Shakespeare. Thus, the decision residing in the 10 syllable lines that use masculine endings is accounted for. In addition, my sonnet mirrors Sonnet 87 by starting with farewell and ending with Shakespeares couplet modified, and one can see his influence in the third quatrain of my poem, which echoes rearward the last 4 lines of Sonnet 87s third quatrain. In this way, I was able to mim ic most of Shakespeares structure spell inserting phrases of my own.Throughout the poem I attempted to remain true to Shakespeares sonnet by way of word choice, while adding my own twist. My poem alternates between the more(prenominal) archaic (but arguably more beautiful) thou and the more modern you. This is done to tie my poem, written in the present, to Shakespeares prune of the past.

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